In this article, we will cover how you can customize your Workspace in inPixio Photo Studio 11.
By default, there are two versions of the workspace. The Easy one and the Advanced one.
- Click on the Customize Logo in the top right corner.
- Click on Easy to show the Easy Workspace.
You will see that you have fewer panels available.
- Click on the Customize Logo again to choose the Advanced workspace.
You will see that you have all the panels available.
You can also customize your workspace to display only the panels that you need for a specific project.
- Click on the Customize Logo then click on Customize....
A window will open.
- Choose the panels you want to have access to.
- Click on Create Preset.
- Name your preset then click Save.
Your preset is now saved.
You can add some panels to an existing preset.
- Select the panels you want to add.
- Right-click on the preset and click on Update with current settings... .
You can also delete a preset.
- Right-click on the preset you want to delete.
- Click on Delete.