In this article, we will show you how you can add text to your photos. This guide explains how to customize fonts, colors, and styles to create stunning captions.
You can find the instructions for the following software versions:
inPixio Photo Studio 12
- Launch inPixio and click Add Photo.
- Choose the image you want to edit.
- Open the Text module.
- Here you can choose to use the templates from three categories - Celebration, Thanks, and Travel.
- You can also add your text by clicking the Add Text, Title, Sub-title, or Text button.
The text box will appear on the image.
- You can move the text box when you hover over it and see the hand icon.
- You can change the size of the text box by dragging the blue squares that surround it.
- You can rotate the text box when you hover the mouse near it and see the curved arrow icon.
- Double-click on the text box. When the outline is yellow you can type into it.
- Select the text and choose the font in the bottom panel.
- You can change the text style - bold or italics and text alignment in the bottom panel.
- Select the font color from the pallet or use the eyedropper tool to pick a color.
- Change the font opacity by moving the slider or picking the percentage.
- Add the background color and its opacity for your text box and adjust the margin.
- Choose the border color, its opacity, and thickness. If you do not want to have a border, set the thickness to zero.
inPixio Photo Studio 11
- Open the image you want to edit in the inPixio.
- Open the Photomontage module -> Text section.
- You can choose to use one of the samples. Click on a sample and drag it to the photo to place it.
- You can also add your own text by holding the mouse button and dragging the cursor on the picture. The text box will appear.
- You can move the text box when you hover over it and see the hand icon.
- You can change the size of the text box by dragging the black squares that surround it.
- You can rotate the text box by dragging the curved arrow icon.
- On the right-side panel, you can change the settings for your text box. Select the font and font size.
- Choose the font color from the palette, and enter the RGB parameters or Hex color code. Here you can also select the opacity for the text.
- You can choose the text style - bold or regular from the dropdown menu, italics, and underlined.
- Choose the text alignment.
- Check the box next to Fill to add the background color to your text box. Select the color, its opacity, and the margins.
- Check the box next to Border to add the border to your text box. Select the border color, its opacity, and thickness.
If you have not purchased inPixio Photo Studio yet, you can do so here.