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can not use the pro version i purchased always has a watermark while using the program



3 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial

    Hi Reinharm,

    Thank you for letting us know you have inPixio watermarks on your edited photos.

    Please be informed that it can be because you are not logged into your account. Please activate your license to use all the features. Here is an article on how to activate your license: 

    Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. 

    inPixio team 

  • Reinharm73

    I am logged into my account and the support person keeps sending me to a different person who dose not respond. I need this for a customer order this week. Who do I need to talk to. To get this fixed?

  • Lina

    Thanks for letting us know that the issue persists. We will email you to assist you further.

    inPixio team 


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