Cant Activate my 2nd of 5 licenses to add my new computer
I am replacing my computer with a new one but can't load inPixo on the new one as I get a Activation limit exceeded error. BUT I have a license for 5 computers and have only activated one!!!
What the heck is going on? When I try to activate one of the 4 remaining licenses (at the SAME email address as the 1st) nothing happens. It feels like you only allow 1 license per email address. DUMB, if so!
I'm stuck until you help. Afraid to deactivate the 1 working computer as I get a message that says if I deactivate I can't activate again until my subscription runs out, and if you are not going to differentiate computers on the same email address, I'm not going to chance losing your App for months. !!!
This is the dumbest licensing setup I have ever experienced.
ken b
Official comment
Hello Kenburkhalter,
Thank you for letting us know you are trying to use your license on another computer and are getting the activation limit exceeded message.
Please be informed that you can assign the rest of your 4 licenses in order to use them on other computers in your inPixio account here:
You can assign the licenses either to the same email address or to a different one.Feel free to let us know if you need any help.
inPixio team
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