i still cannot install it even though I have paid extra for the cd now no one will answer me WHY NOT?????
Official comment
Hi Dmyronenko,
Thank you for letting us know you have a problem setting up inPixio Photo Studio on your device. As I see our agent has replied to your request via email. Please make sure to check your Spam folder if you do not have a reply in your inbox. We will follow up with you once again with installation instructions just in case.Regards,
inPixio team -
I am having issues with purchasing software and then not being able to download and activate out of a free one. My money is gone, but no program.
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Hi Cynthia,
Thank you for flagging this to us. We have already sent you an email regarding this situation. Please check your inbox and follow up in case you have any questions.
inPixio team0 -
They took care of all of it. The extra charge, the link that wasn't working. This is incredible. Thank you!
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Hi Cynthia,
Thank you for taking the time to update on your case. We are happy to hear you are satisfied with how your case was resolved.
Feel free to contact our support at any time when you have any questions.
inPixio team0 -
ik heb een jaar terug inPixio gekocht voor een jaar .nu wordt er van mijn rekening afgeschreven euro 19,99
ordernr UQHZKP96 .ik heb gister direct doorgegeven dat ik dat niet wil.ik geef door aan paypal dat ik het geld terug zal vorderen.
mevr c.g.a.lageveen-ijpma
8606kc email
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Hallo c.g.a,
Bedankt dat u ons heeft laten weten dat u de afschrijving heeft ontvangen die u niet had verwacht. We kunnen je zeker helpen met de opzegging.
Er is een ondersteuningsaanvraag gemaakt voor uw aanvraag. Zorg ervoor dat u uw inbox controleert.Met vriendelijke groet.
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