Photo Studio 10 contains Virus/Malware/Suspicious App
CompletedWhenever I run Photo Studio 10, Windows 10 informs me it contains a suspicious app, speedupmypc.
I have removed it using antivirus but as soon as I run Photo Studio 10, it reappears.
The following is in the windows security log:
2020-07-28T09:41:28.192Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC file:F:\Program Files (x86)\inPixio\Photo Studio 10\bvrpctln.dll
Official comment
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your blog post.
I would like to reassure you that all InPixio software is clean of viruses.
Initially, run Windows Update ( ) and apply all Important and optional updates (excluding language packs) available for your system. When the installation is completed, shut down (do not restart it) the computer.
Upon booting up a check for Windows Updates again, apply if any. Also, make sure the antivirus program database is updated to its latest release.
Also, I would ask you to send us the screenshot of the speedupmypc detection, so I could send it to our Dev team and check the issue.
Awaiting for your reply.
Inpixio Team
Prior to your response I edited my post to include one line from the windows security log.
Further lines are:
2020-07-20T09:50:01.257Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC file:C:\Users\steve\AppData\Local\Avanquest\Avanquest Message\AQNotif.exe
2020-07-20T09:50:01.257Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC process:pid:4656,ProcessStart:132393572235837691
2020-07-20T09:58:48.358Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC regkey:HKCU@S-1-5-21-3080877319-3991655639-2908474627-1001\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\RUN\\Avanquest Message
2020-07-20T09:58:48.358Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC regkey:HKCU@S-1-5-21-3080877319-3991655639-2908474627-1001\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\{20573C69-4A68-4BEF-A23D-365CB66924CE}
2020-07-20T09:58:48.358Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC runkey:HKCU@S-1-5-21-3080877319-3991655639-2908474627-1001\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\RUN\\Avanquest Message
2020-07-20T09:58:48.358Z DETECTION PUA:Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC uninstall:HKCU@S-1-5-21-3080877319-3991655639-2908474627-1001\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALL\{20573C69-4A68-4BEF-A23D-365CB66924CE}0 -
I have followed your procedure and no updates were required. Virus Checking is up to date.
I uninstalled Photo Studio and re downloaded it.
After download, Windows reported this although I downloaded InPixio_PhotoStudio_EN_FT.exe for Photo Stuido 10
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Thanks for a quick reply, Steve!
I will contact our developer and will try to follow up with you till the end of the day.
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Thanks. I just realised the above I downloaded after uninstall was just the demo video. I am trying now to download and reinstall the full version I purchased and will report on if the issue occurs again.
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Whilst installing the full version 10, I got the following:
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Some further info.
I was using Photo Studio version 10.2
On reinstalling, it has installed the 10.3 update.
I am on Windows 10 Version 2004 (previously known as the Windows 10 May 2020 Update.
Having installed and run 10.3, despite the error above on install, at the moment I don't appear to be getting the message.
Hope that helps.
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Hello Steve,
I hope this post finds you well.
After some additional discussion with Engineering I can confirm the following:
- SpeedingUpMyPC is not part of InPixio
- it is not a dependency
- not necessary to be present for InPixio to work
We are unable to find why it is getting on your PC, but please engage your Antivirus to block it freely, so it will no longer get installed on your PC.
InPixio Technical Support UK0
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