100 skies install issues
I have a lifetime license of Photo Studios Ultimate and I also have both the 20 and 100 skies. Per another post response, I have previously unzipped and installed this file correctly at C:\Program Files\inPixio\Photo Studio 12\Modules\SkyReplacement\Assets\Skies, however, regardless of how many reboots and program restarts, I cannot seem to access these skies. When I am using Photo Studio and click on skies, all I see are the original skies that came with the software. How do I access these additional skies.
Official comment
Hello Don,
Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear that you are having trouble with inputting the skies packages in inPixio Photo Studio.
We have created a new support case for you to help you with this issue. Please check your inbox for a new email from us.
inPixio team
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